Top 5 Tree Diseases in Tennessee and How to Prevent Them

BY pure turf
February 21, 2025
Tree and Shrub Care

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and enhancing the beauty of our surroundings. Ensuring the health and vitality of trees is essential not only for their own longevity but also for the well-being of the environment as a whole.

Tennessee is home to a diverse range of trees that are susceptible to various diseases due to the region's climate and environmental conditions. The prevalence of tree diseases in Tennessee underscores the importance of proactive measures to protect and preserve the health of these valuable assets.

In this article, we will explore the top 5 common tree diseases that affect trees in Tennessee and provide valuable insights on how to identify, prevent, and manage these diseases effectively. Stay tuned to learn more about these tree ailments and how you can safeguard your trees against them.

5 Common Tree Diseases That Affect Trees in Tennessee

In Tennessee, the lush landscapes and diverse tree species are vulnerable to various diseases that can impact the health and longevity of our valuable arboreal resources. These diseases are common and identifying the problem before it starts is key.

1. Oak Wilt:

Oak Wilt is a devastating disease that primarily affects oak trees, leading to wilting, yellowing, and browning of leaves. The fungus causing Oak Wilt spreads through root systems and insect vectors, posing a significant threat to oak populations in Tennessee.

What to look for:

Oak Wilt manifests through various symptoms, including wilting and browning of leaves starting at the top and outer edges of the tree's canopy. In some cases, these discolored leaves may exhibit vein browning. Another characteristic sign is the presence of fungal spore mats under the bark, visible as dark, veiny streaks on the wood. These spore mats attract sap-feeding beetles, contributing to the disease's spread.

2. Dogwood Anthracnose:

Dogwood Anthracnose is a fungal disease that targets flowering dogwood trees, causing leaf browning, stem cankers, and dieback. This disease is prevalent in Tennessee, especially during periods of high humidity and rainfall, making it crucial for dogwood tree owners to be vigilant in monitoring and preventing its spread.

What to look for:

Dogwood Anthracnose is characterized by small, purple-rimmed leaf spots that expand to form large, irregularly-shaped tan or brown lesions. Infected trees may also display dieback, withering of flower bracts, and cankers on the trunk and branches. Early defoliation and twig dieback are common indicators of Dogwood Anthracnose infestation.

3. Apple Scab:

Apple Scab is a common fungal disease that affects a variety of fruit trees, including apple trees, in Tennessee. It manifests as dark, scabby lesions on leaves and fruits, compromising tree health and fruit quality. Proper pruning, sanitation practices, and fungicidal treatments are essential for managing and preventing Apple Scab in orchards.

What to look for:

Apple Scab is recognizable by the appearance of olive-green to dark-brown velvety spots on leaves and fruits. As the disease progresses, the spots may coalesce, leading to leaf distortion and premature leaf drop. Infected fruits develop scab-like lesions, diminishing their market value and overall quality.

4. Verticillium Wilt:

Verticillium Wilt is a soil-borne fungal disease that infects a wide range of trees and shrubs in Tennessee, including maples, elms, and tomatoes. Symptoms include leaf wilting, yellowing, and premature defoliation. Implementing cultural practices such as proper watering, soil management, and plant selection is key to reducing the risk of Verticillium Wilt in susceptible plants.

What to look for:

Verticillium Wilt presents as wilting and yellowing of leaves on individual branches or on one side of the tree, often progressing to eventual defoliation. Brown streaking in the sapwood, visible upon bark removal, is a key diagnostic feature. Additionally, affected trees may exhibit dieback and stunted growth, particularly during periods of stress or high temperatures.

5. Fire Blight:

Fire Blight is a bacterial disease that affects fruit trees, particularly pear and apple trees, in Tennessee. It causes wilting, blackening of shoots, and cankers on branches, leading to significant damage if left unmanaged. Pruning infected branches, applying antibiotics, and promoting tree vigor through proper care can help prevent and control Fire Blight outbreaks in orchards and landscapes.

What to look for:

Fire Blight symptoms include the sudden wilting and blackening of blossoms, shoots, and twigs, creating a scorched appearance. Affected plant parts may exhibit a distinctive shepherd's crook shape, a hallmark of this bacterial disease. It is important to monitor for oozing cankers on branches, as these exude a bacterial slime that aids in disease transmission.

Understanding and recognizing these symptoms and identification features are crucial for timely intervention and effective management of tree diseases in Tennessee.

Prevention and Control Measures for Tree and Shrub Diseases

Proper tree care practices:

Implementing proper tree care practices, such as mulching, adequate watering, and balanced fertilization, promotes overall tree health and resilience to diseases. Avoiding mechanical injuries and minimizing stressors, such as compacted soil or over-pruning, also plays a vital role in preventing tree diseases.

Regular inspections and monitoring:

Conducting regular inspections of trees for early detection of disease symptoms is essential. Monitoring for changes in foliage, abnormal growth patterns, or signs of stress enables swift intervention, preventing the spread of diseases within the landscape.

Prompt removal of infected branches:

Swiftly removing infected or dead branches can limit the spread of diseases to healthy parts of the tree. Proper disposal of pruned material is crucial to prevent the introduction of pathogens into other areas.

Pruning techniques to prevent disease spread:

Employing proper pruning techniques, such as sterilizing tools between cuts and adhering to recommended pruning schedules, helps minimize the risk of disease transmission. Pruning to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration within the canopy also reduces the favorable conditions for disease development.

Soil management and watering guidelines:

Managing soil conditions by ensuring proper drainage and avoiding over-watering aids in preventing root diseases. Adhering to watering guidelines that promote deep, infrequent watering encourages the development of deep and robust root systems, enhancing tree resilience to various diseases.

Implementing these prevention and control measures for tree diseases fosters the long-term health and vitality of Tennessee's tree populations, contributing to the preservation of the state's natural beauty and ecological diversity.

How Pure Turf's Tree and Shrub Health Program Can Help

Pure Turf offers comprehensive tree and shrub health programs designed to enhance the overall well-being and vitality of landscape vegetation. With a focus on sustainable practices and expert knowledge in plant health care, Pure Turf provides personalized services to address the specific needs of trees and shrubs.

Tree & Shrub Health

Pure Turf's tree and shrub health program includes specialized treatments tailored to combat and prevent common tree diseases. From targeted fertilization and deep root injections to disease control applications, our treatment plans are designed to improve tree resilience and mitigate the risk of infections.

Benefits of partnering with Pure Turf for tree disease prevention:

Partnering with Pure Turf for tree disease prevention offers various benefits, including trained professionals who can accurately diagnose and treat tree diseases. We also coordinate with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture to inspect and evaluate problematic areas. Our proactive approach to plant health care, combined with customized treatment strategies, can result in healthier, more robust trees and shrubs that are better equipped to resist diseases.

Reach Out for a FREE Evaluation

If you are interested in safeguarding the health and beauty of your landscape vegetation, consider reaching out to Pure Turf for a consultation. Our team can assess your trees and shrubs, develop a tailored plant health care plan, and provide expert guidance on disease prevention and management. Take the first step towards enhancing your tree and shrub health by contacting Pure Turf today.

For more information and to schedule a consultation with Pure Turf's tree and shrub health experts, visit or call our dedicated customer service team.